Worth Of Your Network

If you really want to know how much your network is worth, look at your bank account, lol! 


I hate to be so blunt, but it’s the truth. Our relationships have a direct influence on our bank account. We all have people that invest in us and make our lives better in our finances and in wisdom, and then we have people in our lives that actually leech on us mentally and financially. 


Take a quick second and look at the people you surround yourself with. Are they givers or takers? 


As recording artists striving to reach a certain success, something must change. 


Proverbs 27:17 (NLT), “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” 


If we are around more people that need sharpening than we are around people that are sharpeners, our blade will get dull extremely quickly. 


We have got to get around individuals that have the knowledge we need, and that are in the positions that we are striving to be in. They have the information that will help us to grow as individuals and as successful recording artists. 


Once they are added to our network, our net worth will significantly increase. 


Once we find them, how do we network with them? 


First, we must abstain from being a “Pestworker”, and learn how to become a true “Networker” 


Pestworker – A Taker, not a giver. Always asks the questions, “What can they do for me? What value can they bring to what I am doing.” They establish relationships solely on personal gain. 


NetworkerA Giver, not a taker. Always asks the questions, “What can I do for others? What value can I bring to what others are doing?  What do they need that I can provide?” They establish relationships to fulfill other people’s needs. 


We all have value. We all have something that someone else needs. 


Think about our craft as a recording artist. I believe that recording artist’s value is in communicating and connecting with a certain group of people on a personal level. 


For An Example of Networking with an Organization: 


If a particular recording artists’ ministry base is centered around battered and abused women and empowering them to live their lives free from bondage, then wouldn’t it make since to network with an organization (profit or non-profit), or a church conference that helps with that exact group of women? 


You as a recording artist/minister can provides a service that an organization cannot, and the organization has connections to a great group of people that you do not. 


Getting together will absolutely raise not only your ministry and connections to another level, but expose that organization or conference to a need base that they cannot physically reach like we can… thus bringing value to each other both personally and ultimately financially. 


Many national recording artists’ tours from Christian and secular recording artists are often blended with profit and non-profit organizations that has an extremely personal meaning to the main recording artist. 


Not only does it make a difference with the artist and the organization, but there is a network that is formed that will make a difference in the lives of everyone that the “net” comes into contact with. 


Purposeful Practicing (Part 1)


Enter The Net